We want satisfied customers for which PorkyAvila is always a top- rated option / a first class alternative.
The requirement for a piglet to be part of PorkyAvila´s label is to have the highest quality and its raising must have been controlled, the same as its transport, slaughter and packing.
The production process is always controlled by external laboratories. But this is only what the law orders, nothing special.
Nor blows, nor weight excess, not colour problems. Only a quality piglet. With time and the proper weight, it will be able to pass our inspections and show our label: the labelled piglet of PorkyAvila.

High - quality products
The quality in the product is out main priority
If we would not have so much rigor and inflexibility fulfilling the law, we could not have our main goal which offers the customer quality piglets and with the absolute guarantee.
Because quality is the product of a high physical effort, of intelligence and emotional effort.
Our 4 keys to get a labeled sucking pig are: