Events and awards
Award to “businessman of the year 2015” ( in Avila) by Confae
The last 24/06/2015 appeared an announcement in “El Diario de Ávila” that stated that PorkyÁvila would win the award to Ávila´s businessman of the year. This looks like just as another announcement, but if we stop (ourselves) and think, it reflects the effort, the work, the quality and the persistence of a company that has been offering us a quality piglet for long time.
Award "Cecale de Oro" 2015
The last Friday 10/7/2015, the vicepresident of Castilla y León, Rosa Valdeón, gave the award Cecale de Oro to PorkyAvila, recognizing one more time the effort that this company has been done for many years, to achieve a quality product like the labelled piglet.
Recognition of the seals of quality and guarantee
We are recognized by brands such as “Ávila auténtica”, “Tierra de sabor” and “Tostón de Arévalo”. They support us and confirm the origin and the quality of our products. It is also important to mention our production/manufacture when offering the best piglet of our land is the matter and our impeccable service, always available for the customer.
Food fairs
PorkyAvila has also participated in several gastronomic fairs in order to let customers know about the company and the product and also to show its quality to the market. PorkyAvila has participated in fairs such as El Salón Gourmet (2014,2015,2016,2017) or the Alimentary fair of Barcelona (2014 and 2016).